Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My younger 2 girls are home!! I'm so happy to see them that I let both of them sleep in my bed last night! They had so much fun on their trip though.
We had a big thunderstorm move through overnight and it's supposed to rain all day. I know we need the rain, but we don't need to drown in it!
My aunt struck again last night and really made me mad. She always has this way of opening her mouth and saying hurtful things. I mentioned to a family friend (who is in her second yr of college) that maybe she could help me out with my business now and then. I wasn't offering her a full or even part time job, just mentioning that maybe on occasion she could help me out and hopefully I could pay her a little bit. My aunt butts in and says "You don't have enough customers to hire someone. She needs a REAL job."
I just wanted to scream. I KNOW I don't have enough customers to have a full-time employee, or even a part time employee. But I do have customers that are counting on me to do a job for them, and there are days when I NEED help. When my husband is at work and my kids are either at school or on a trip, I sometimes need help. That is all I was talking to this girl about.
My aunt also believes it's ridiculous that I Photoshopped a truck with the designs and letterings I would like for my business truck that I would like to purchase one day when/if my business grows big enough.  Not once have I said I need this truck right this minute. It would be nice, yes. But I know it isn't a possibility. It seems like her mission in life is to hurt other people and crush their dreams. It drives me insane!

And Carly is in trouble again. She got caught with another Facebook account and she was chatting with her boyfriend. The night I discovered the account, they were having a very inappropriate conversation. So I told her she had to break up with him and I was blocking his number on her phone again.
Why do teenagers not see that rules are there to PROTECT them, not hurt them or make their lives horrible?

And I have 4 more years of her teenage years to live through, not to mention 3 more girls coming after her. I don't know if I will survive the teenage years!

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