Thursday, July 5, 2012

My girls

Carly is an energetic, horse-loving girl. She has recently decided that she wants to be a horse jockey and feels like she needs to start NOW. She takes "lessons" weekly from a friend and is learning how to take care of horses and ride. She is crazy sometimes, grumpy sometimes, and one of my best friends other times. She has recently gotten in trouble because I caught her “sexting” to her boyfriend. She isn’t even supposed to have a boyfriend. We are mormon, and dating/boyfriends aren’t supposed to happen until they are at least 16. So she and I have been at odds for a while.

Martha is very caring and loving. She really enjoys art and is getting pretty good at it. She suffers from anxiety and depression - something I'm afraid she inherited from both of her grandfathers and other family members. She loves animals and becomes emotionally attached very quickly to them. She is fun to talk to and a joy to be around.

Suzy is my quiet one. From the day she was born, she loved sleeping . . . as long as it was when SHE wanted to sleep. We often find her awake in the middle of the night watching TV. She and Jenny are best friends. She has 2 bleeding disorders and a heat intolerance (she doesn't sweat enough). Living in Texas makes the heat intolerance very difficult to manage at times. She is VERY smart but she doesn't like to try very hard, which is why she nearly failed first grade. My mom, a retired teacher, worked hard with her to try to bring her up to grade level and she passed!

Jenny is the princess of the house, and she knows it. She is silly, she loves to play around, and she can be a bully at times to Carly. She makes the funniest faces and can stare down anybody! She is tiny but very controlling. I'm afraid we have all created a little monster by letting her get away with too much! But she is just so dang cute that we can't help it! Lately she has decided to throw temper tantrums to get her way, but I have had to be mean and put a stop to that. It's been a hard lesson to her, but I think she is learning.

Now for the curve-balls: Suzy and Jenny are only 10 months apart . . . to the day and almost to the minute. They are true "Irish twins." It wasn't planned that way, it's just what happened! We also have several pets: 3 dogs (a small terrier, a large collie mix, and an even larger great dane/lab mix puppy!); 1 temperamental, old cat; 1 lonely parakeet; a few tadpoles (I don't even bother to keep count of them!); 1 large tarantula, and several crickets (food for said tarantula!).

Also, my 3 younger girls and myself all have Celiac disease. That means we can't eat gluten (wheat, barley, rye, and oats) or our bodies begin to attack themselves. I will save the details of the whole diagnosis stuff for later. But it has been a life-altering thing. Suzy and Jenny don't even know what a real pizza or sandwich taste like. They have never had crackers (that they remember, at least). They have never had a cupcake or cookie in their classroom that I didn't make or buy special. But again, that is another story.

My husband is truly the love of my life. We met when I was just 14 and he was 17 or 18 at a church dance. We were married 1 week before I turned 19. He is a wonderful father and husband. He loves to play with our daughters and tease them relentlessly. He works hard as a correctional officer for the state of Texas, and he has been there for 13 years. Last summer, he developed pneumonia practically over night and spent a week in the hospital. He hasn't completely recovered yet. He even spent 2 days in the hospital in January because of bronchitis. It scared me half to death when he got so sick. I was suddenly faced with the thought of possibly losing my husband and it terrified me.

Well, that is enough for now!

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