Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I have been blogging for a while, but I wanted to change it up cuz my other blog had too much personal info on it.
I have a sweet husband and four wonderful daughters, ages 6, 7, 11, & 14. These 5 people are my reason for living.
I named this blog "Where's My Chocolate" cuz, like lots of women, I depend on food for comfort; namely chocolate. And like most moms, I discover that my kids usually find my secret stash of goodies and eat it before I realize it's gone.
My life is not an easy one. My husband is a state employee and doesn't make enough to pay all the bills.I am trying to start up a business but in order to run a successful business, you have to have money to advertise and buy equipment. I have 3 kids with health problems, and one of those has mental health issues on top of her medical issue. I will copy and paste my posts from my old blog so I don't have to go over them again!
On top of that, my husband had pneumonia last summer and has not fully recovered. The doctor just told us that unless he loses a lot of weight very quickly, he will likely die in his sleep one night because his oxygen levels drop to a dangerous level at night, even though he is on a cpap machine and oxygen. I have health problems that no doctor can figure out, so they just throw more meds at me to treat the symptoms.

So here's the intro (keep in mind that these names are fake!): Pete, my hubby. Carly, the 14 yr old; Martha, the 11 yr old; Suzy is 7, and Jenny is 6. I guess I will go by Sarah.

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