Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Last night, 2 blocks from my mom's house, I got pulled over for 2 lights out on the back of the van. As she proceeds to give me a formal warning, she discovers that my registration is expired and I have no insurance. Welcome to being too poor to buy car insurance, which results in the inability to register your car. So I got 2 tickets for that. She kindly didn't tow my van like she was supposed to, probably because I was crying and I had 2 kids in the car, plus I was almost to my moms house. I am very grateful for that. But now I have to ask my mom for help in getting insurance plus registration for my van, and then probably to pay the tickets if they don't dismiss them. It's humiliating and frustrating to ask my mom to help us so much financially. I started my business so I wouldn't have to have her help anymore and it hasn't gotten me anywhere yet. Oh, and as we were pulling the trailer yesterday, the hazard lights blew a fuse. So we have to get some wiring replaced on the trailer so it doesn't continue to blow a fuse on our van. I knew the wiring was wearing out, but I was hoping it would last longer than this.

So Suzy started her new ADD med this week. It's Adderall, which translates to meth. I'm bothered about giving her such a powerful, addictive med, but I don't know what else to do. The strattera wasn't working anymore and it made her so sick. But on the plus side, she will lose weight with this med. She has become a little chubby. Too bad I can't take this med and lose weight!

Yesterday, tragedy struck in a neighboring city, College Station. A lunatic being served with an eviction notice shot and killed the constable and another innocent man, and injured a police officer and a woman. The lunatic was then shot and killed by police. That will save us taxpayers millions of dollars in prosecution, prison time, and execution. Who knew that putting an inmate on death row costs the state more and sentencing them to life in prison? It's crazy but it's true because of the appeals the death row inmates automatically receive after their sentence. I fully support the death penalty, but only if the person is without a doubt guilty. I believe there needs to be hard evidence that they committed the crime. Not speculation and questionable witnesses. Just my opinion!

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