Saturday, October 13, 2012


Yay! I can blog from my phone now! This might make it so I blog more often!
It should be a quiet weekend. Martha is gone to Girl Scout camp until this afternoon. Carly is at a volleyball tournament. Pete is home.
So I have my next carpal tunnel surgery scheduled for a little over a week from now. I'm excited to finally have my left hand done, but a little nervous about the recovery time. The numbness in my left hand at this moment makes me want the surgery now. I will be so glad to get it all over with. But it means I can't wash dishes for 6 weeks, which would be great if someone else would wash them. But my kids fight me on it and my husband is gone half the time. Plus my work pickups- I will have to have someone with me every time because I won't be able to do the heavy lifting. My mom plans to help when Pete is gone, but she is limited too. Last time, I had Martha with me every day since she was being homeschooled.
I think I'm gonna go back to bed! Carly had to get to the school early so I had to get up, but Saturdays are my sleeping in days!

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