Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tomorrow is Martha's birthday! I can't believe how old she is getting! She is so excited. She says today is her birthday eve! I hope she enjoys her gifts. We got her a 16mp camera with a bag, and a few other things. I like to do 1 or 2 bigger gifts rather than several smaller gifts that aren't very nice.
I just LOVE giving gifts, especially to my family. I think if I were rich, I would wind up giving away too much! I really want to give the girls a new trampoline for Christmas. SAMs has a nice big one with an enclosure for less than $300 that I want to try to get for the girls. We had a trampoline for years, up until about 6 months ago when it finally fell apart. The problem is, I want to give them other stuff too and I can't give everything I want to give. I hate that I have to always tell then no when they want something. I know it wouldn't be good for them to always get what they want, so I guess it's a good thing I'm always broke. I just love to see that happy look on their face when I do get them something they really want. It fills me with so much happiness.
Well, I'm off to wrap presents for the birthday girl!

Monday, October 15, 2012

TV Reviews

I LOVE the Walking Dead show! It is so awesome! Very disgusting and gory, but I don't care. It's my absolute favorite!

Revenge is really good too. I'm a little confused about what Victoria is doing, but I'll figure it out!

Grimm is good, but the names they give the creatures is pretty weird. Why can't they use names that are more normal?

Revolution is really good. I hope they get Danny back soon.

Once Upon A Time is one of my absolute favs too! Martha and I have been watching that together and I can't wait to see the latest episode!!

Now, if my paid subscription to Hulu would only eliminate the commercials, I would be thrilled. At least Netflix doesn't have commercials.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Yay! I can blog from my phone now! This might make it so I blog more often!
It should be a quiet weekend. Martha is gone to Girl Scout camp until this afternoon. Carly is at a volleyball tournament. Pete is home.
So I have my next carpal tunnel surgery scheduled for a little over a week from now. I'm excited to finally have my left hand done, but a little nervous about the recovery time. The numbness in my left hand at this moment makes me want the surgery now. I will be so glad to get it all over with. But it means I can't wash dishes for 6 weeks, which would be great if someone else would wash them. But my kids fight me on it and my husband is gone half the time. Plus my work pickups- I will have to have someone with me every time because I won't be able to do the heavy lifting. My mom plans to help when Pete is gone, but she is limited too. Last time, I had Martha with me every day since she was being homeschooled.
I think I'm gonna go back to bed! Carly had to get to the school early so I had to get up, but Saturdays are my sleeping in days!